
Celebrate Learning Week 2023

Celebrate Learning Week 2023

In the May edition of Edubytes, our guest editors are the members of the Celebrate Learning Week team. They share highlights, updates and resources from one week of events celebrating UBC’s teaching and learning community.

Building UBC’s Academic Integrity Hub

Building UBC’s Academic Integrity Hub

In the April edition of Edubytes, Dr. Ainsley Rouse provides an update on UBC’s Academic Integrity Hub, which supports students and faculty in the implementation of the academic misconduct regulation.

Assessment Design in an Era of Generative AI

Assessment Design in an Era of Generative AI

In the March edition of Edubytes, Dr. Christina Hendricks shares a new CTLT resource to help instructors design assessments in an era of AI tools that can generate text.

Teaching and learning funding opportunities

Teaching and learning funding opportunities

In the February edition of Edubytes, our guest editor Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning, pro tem Dr. Simon Bates, shares information about current and upcoming teaching and learning opportunities on the UBC Vancouver campus.

The Inclusive Syllabus

The Inclusive Syllabus

In the January edition of Edubytes, our guest editors Judy Chan, Hailan Chen, John Cheng, Will Engle, Sue Hampton, Isabeau Iqbal and Bosung Kim discuss the inclusive syllabus.

Edubytes – 2022 in review

Edubytes – 2022 in review

In the December edition of Edubytes, the editorial team looks back on the resources, articles and stories that stood out across the year in teaching and learning.

Students as Partners

Students as Partners

In the November edition of Edubytes, our guest editors Roselynn Verwoord, Polina Petlitsyna, and Marissa Hall share an update on Students as Partners activity at UBC Vancouver.

Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence: Recommendations for Teaching and Learning

Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence: Recommendations for Teaching and Learning

In the October edition of Edubytes, our guest editors Dr. Ryuko Kubota, Dr. Handel Kashope Wright and Dr. Shirley Chau discuss issues of teaching and learning featured in the University of British Columbia’s President’s Task Force on Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence Final Report.

Orange Shirt Day 2022

Orange Shirt Day 2022

In the September edition of Edubytes, Samantha Nock, Jess Boon, Shannon Robinson, Julie Gordon, and Karleen Delaurier-Lyle share the history of the residential school system and context for understanding the ongoing impacts.

Climate emergency: evolving teaching and research to advance climate action at UBC

Climate emergency: evolving teaching and research to advance climate action at UBC

In the August edition of Edubytes, we’re looking at Sustainability and Climate Action at UBC through a teaching and learning lens with guest editors Dr. Tara Ivanochko and Oliver Lane.